Transylvanian Delight (chimney cake)
Our prices vary depending on where we are.
If we are at the Pallet Pavilion, we charge $5.00 for an Original cake and $5.50 for a chimney cake with a topping. The small ones are $3 ONLY!
If we are selling corncakes, they are $2 a piece (they are also gluten free!).
If you'd like one of our delicious home-made chocolate bars, they are $2.50 for a big one and $1.50 for a small one.
If we are at Riccarton market, our prices go up by a $ because the cakes themselves are bigger. However, we have small sizes for $4 for them kids! The corncake and chocolate prices stay the same.
Our chimney cake toppings include:
Hundreds and thousands
Or just have the Original, without topping!

Home-made chocolate

Gluten free corn cakes, which can also be served with ice cream, vanilla custard, etc

Chimney cake

Home-made chocolate